RT info:eu-repo/semantics/article T1 Gift-exchange in the Amarna Letters: A Concise Study of the Letters from the Great Kings T2 Intercambio de regalos en las cartas de Amarna: un estudio conciso de las cartas de los grandes reyes A1 Perazzone Rivero, Emma K1 Reciprocidad K1 matrimonios interdinĂ¡sticos K1 diplomacia AB In this article, we will look at the concept of reciprocal gifts and gift-exchanges in the corpus known as the Amarna letters.In order to observe reciprocity in the Amarna letters, we will ascertain the presence of a return gift for every present sent, aswell as the idea of reciprocity in the repetition of said structure of gift-exchange. In the Amarna letters, we bear witness toan important network of contacts established between Near Eastern nations of the fourteenth and thirteenth centuries BCE.The geographical extent of the Amarna letters leaves no doubt about the central part played by the Egyptian kings of thisperiod within the political, economic and social context of the great powers of the Near East. This study will focus on thegift-exchanges within the Amarna letters, taking into account the contextual differences between Egypt and each of its mainpartners: Babylonia, Assyria, Mitanni, Hatti, Arzawa and Alashiya. We will also consider diplomatic or interdynastic marriages asoccasions for gift-exchange, as well as tools used to establish and maintain political and personal alliances between the kings. PB Universidad de La Laguna, Centro de Estudios Africanos SN 1695-4750 YR 2021 FD 2021 LK http://riull.ull.es/xmlui/handle/915/27345 UL http://riull.ull.es/xmlui/handle/915/27345 LA en DS Repositorio institucional de la Universidad de La Laguna RD 21-sep-2024