RT info:eu-repo/semantics/article T1 Lomentaria benahoarensis (Lomentariaceae, Rhodophyta), a diminutive epiphytic new species from La Palma, Canary Islands (eastern Atlantic Ocean) A1 Afonso Carrillo, Julio A1 Sangil, Carlos A1 Sansón Acedo, Marta A2 BotánicaEcología y Fisiología Vegetal A2 Botánica Marina AB The marine red alga Lomentaria benahoarensis sp. nov.from the Canary Islands is described. Plants grow epiphytically on Corallina elongata forming turfs of creepingaxes attached by lateral discoid holdfasts and erect axesup to 12 mm high. Erect axes are terete to slightly compressed, 200–300(–1000) mm broad, radially branchedup to three orders, with laterals progressively thinner,constricted only at the bases of terminal axes. The cortexis three-layered with the outermost cortical cells arrangedin a near-continuous surface layer. Medullary filamentsform a loose network of narrow elongate cells, whichbear secretory cells. Gametophytes are dioecious withspermatangia formed in continuous spermatangial sori;cystocarps are urceolate and ostiolate. Tetrasporangiaare subspherical and formed in depressed rounded soriin slightly swollen regions in the middle of fertile terminalaxes. The new species has no single unique feature, butdiffers from the other Lomentaria species by a distinctivecombination of attributes. Closest related species toLomentaria benahoarensis appear to be L. corallicola,L. gracillima, L. monochlamydea, L. orcadensis, L. rawitscheri, and L. tenerrima. Although all these species havea diminutive, decumbent habit and lack regular constrictions in axes, the number of cortical cell layers and thearrangement of outer cortical cells distinguish them. YR 2009 FD 2009 LK http://riull.ull.es/xmlui/handle/915/28042 UL http://riull.ull.es/xmlui/handle/915/28042 LA en DS Repositorio institucional de la Universidad de La Laguna RD 19-oct-2024