RT info:eu-repo/semantics/bachelorThesis T1 Análisis práctico de los tipos agravados en el delito de agresión sexual: el artículo 180 del Código Penal. A1 Soria Rodríguez, Nayra A2 Grado En Derecho K1 Fundamento K1 Agravante K1 Bis in idem K1 Violencia K1 Intimidación K1 Degradante K1 Vejatorio K1 Actuación conjunta K1 Vulnerabilidad K1 Prevalimiento K1 Convivencia K1 Superioridad K1 Parentesco K1 Armas AB The Spanish criminal act from 1995 constitutes the Criminal Code in WichSexual Assault and Rape are typified on their articles 178 and 179Correspondingly. In relation with this sections of the code, the article 180provide several behaviors that will be considareted as aggravats that, incase of the concurry of some of this actions, it could supuse and increase of15 years imprisonment penality in addition to the provided punishmentfrom the basic criminal type.The object of this essay is to make an detailed jurisprudential analyze fromthe application of the article 180 in order to clarify the used terms in it'scontent, to be more concrete, about this two expressions: "violence" and"intimidation". Aiming to achive the comprehension of this statement, firstwe will make and short but very complete overview over this two topics:"Violence"/"Intimidation" that are keys to understand the criminal type ofsexual assault ( and also is the main difference between this crime andabuse), based on their legal requirements of its criminal type. So as wecould integrate these crimes into the object of study, we will proceed toexaminate the 5 aggrevants contented in the clause 180 one by one. By thisway, we will discover all of the 5 previos behaviors, taking notes from theirtypical characteristics and fundaments, their delimited parameters with anyother institution appealing in to not fall in a "bis in idem", beside someother controversial doctrinal and jurisprudential questions. YR 2022 FD 2022 LK http://riull.ull.es/xmlui/handle/915/28775 UL http://riull.ull.es/xmlui/handle/915/28775 LA es DS Repositorio institucional de la Universidad de La Laguna RD 12-sep-2024