RT info:eu-repo/semantics/bachelorThesis T1 Caracterización morfológica de variedades de bubango (Cucurbita pepo L.) de diferentes procedencias de la Macaronesia. A1 Delgado Hernández, Nicolás K1 Horticultura K1 Bubangos AB The present work,‘‘Caracterización morfológica preliminar de variedades debubango (Cucurbita pepo L.) de diferentes procedencias de la Macaronesia’’comprises the morphological characterization of 4 varieties of Cucurbita pepo, fromdifferent zones of Canary Islands, and another from Azores. All of them agree whichthe type of bubango.The seedling hase was carried out on the greenhouse of the (EPSI) ‘‘EscuelaPolitécnica Superior de Ingeniería’’ in the town of La Laguna, however, the pase ofcultive was carried out in the local council of Fasnia. This test include from march of2021 to july of the same year, the desingn was made in random blocks and this ismade up of 3 block. For the characterization, the descriptive list of morphologicalmarkers of Cucurbita pepo L. searched in the book of ‘‘International Board For PlantGenetic Resources’’ and later an stadistical analysis of cualitatives variables bymeans the informatic programme of Statistix10 trial.The plant material chosen was obtained by Red Canaria de Semillas and the RedCanaria de semillas de Gran Canaria under the names of: ‘‘Bubango de millo deGran Canaria’’, ‘‘Bubango de Fasnia de Tenerife’’, ‘‘Bobanga de Azores’’ y‘‘Bubango de verde negro de La Palma’’. All of them showed indeterminated grow.The parameters measured were 21 characters, both qualitative and quantitative. Ofthese we can put how examples: the length of the fruit, the weight, diameter, thelength of the petiole, the presence of trichomes or the number of fruits collected. Insuch a way that there was a yield of 0.95 t/ha.The results obtained showed that any variety grow with significants differencesexcept the length of the leaves. Regarding the dates, the maximum production wasobtained on date 2 (7/6/2021) with equals values between the ‘‘bubango de Fasniaand bubango verde negro’’ varieties.All the varieties conserved the type of indeterminated grow typical of bubangos.It can be concluded that the study carried out presented similar data respect toprevious studies of this crop, showing these changes due to the conditions imposedduring the trial. YR 2022 FD 2022 LK http://riull.ull.es/xmlui/handle/915/29014 UL http://riull.ull.es/xmlui/handle/915/29014 LA es DS Repositorio institucional de la Universidad de La Laguna RD 08-ene-2025