RT info:eu-repo/semantics/bachelorThesis T1 Introducción a la espectropolarimetría solar A1 Bonilla Mariana, Iván A2 Grado En Física AB The first part of this report contains an introduction to what the Sun is like.It reviews both the structure of the Sun (using the Standard model, it is formedby 7 layers: the core, the radiative zone, the convective zone, the photosphere,the chromosphere, the solar corona and the heliosphere) and the existence ofmagnetic structures like the solar flares and the coronal mass ejections.Later, the radiation field and the magnitudes that define it are described, aswell as the radiative transfer equation (RTE), and the main approximationsthat usually are applied.Then we talk about the mechanisms of formation of spectral lines and thebroadenings mechanisms, responsible of its shape which is a Voigt profile (orfunction) resulting from three mechanisms: the natural broadening (which canbe ignored), the Doppler broadening (the most important) and the collisionalbroadening. Additionally we speak about the polarization of light. For that theStokes parameters are presented and the radiative transfer equation for Stokesparameters is written.Later we see the Zeeman effect and how this effect produces polarization. Thenwe describe the different approaches that are made to be able to solve the RTE,among them, the most important for this work is the Milne-Eddington approximation in which, in order to obtain an analytical solution of the RTE in the caseof polarized light, it is imposed that the absorption matrix is constant with theoptical depth (which implies that all magnitudes will be constant with depth,such as the magnetic field vector, the component of the velocity along the line ofsight and also the parameters that define the line, such as its intensity, Dopplerwidth and damping). Furthermore, it is necessary to assume that the source function (the ratio of emission to absorption) is a linear function of optical depth.Making this approximation we get an analytical solution of the Stokes parameters (the Unno-Rachkovsky equations) as a function of the parameters thatdefine the line (such as the wavelength or the quantum numbers of the levelsinvolved in the bound bound transition) and of 9 free parameters: the two thatdefine the source function; the three that define the magnetic field; the one thatdefines the velocity along the line of sight; the one that defines the strength ofthe line; and finally the two that define the broadening of the line.In this work, a python program has been designed and written that allows uscalculating the profiles of the Stokes parameters once the parameters that definethe spectral line are known, for any set of values of the 9 free parameters. It has been verified that the program has no errors and then the behavior of thespectral lines has been studied by varying each of these 9 parameters independently.In the final part of the memory, some data observed by the Hinode satellitein a spot near the center of the Sun has been read and represented. The dataconsists on a cube of 512x512 pixels observed in the 4 Stokes parameters along112 wavelengths that include two spectral lines of Fe I around 6300 A.Finally, some of these pixels have been chosen and their Stokes spectra havebeen compared with those synthesized with our program. YR 2022 FD 2022 LK http://riull.ull.es/xmlui/handle/915/29104 UL http://riull.ull.es/xmlui/handle/915/29104 LA es DS Repositorio institucional de la Universidad de La Laguna RD 24-ene-2025