RT info:eu-repo/semantics/bachelorThesis T1 Estudio de las causas sinópticas de las lluvias intensas en Canarias. A1 González Sicilia, Pablo A2 Grado En Física AB The climate in the Canary Islands is characterized by quasi permanent stabilitydue to the air stratification over the archipelago. This configuration of layers is composed of a low and moist layer of air that flows over an isothermal surface, mainlybecause of the presence of the Canary Islands current and the trade winds from NE, alayer of thermal inversion that oscillates yearly between 700 m and 1500 m, and finallya dry layer of air with a NW winds circulation almost all year. Due to this, the climateperturbations in the islands are induced by the alteration of this layer configurationand therefore, these constitute the main generators of intense rainfall in the islands.In this work, we study the synoptic configurations that produce “heavy rain” inthe archipelago to classify the main causes of them, and their spatial and temporaldistribution in the islands. To do this, we made a selection of dates of “heavy rain”and then, study manually the synoptic patterns that cause them, splitting the synopticsituations into three main types, Lows, Troughs, and Cutoff Lows, to create a temporalseries of the precipitation data.Then, to study the spatial distribution of the rain, we separate the times seriesof precipitation associated with each one of the synoptic patterns by:Separation by sectors in the surroundings of the archipelago.Creation of rain zones by clustering algorithms.Pressure, geopotential height, and temperature mean anomalies, were calculatedfor each one of the sectors to identify the mean synoptic patterns. With this, variousstatistical parameters were obtained for the precipitation data, based on the sectorsand rain zones, and so to study the spatial distribution of rain among the islands.The results obtained for this work show that the method developed for the studyis capable of identifying the main generators of “heavy rains” and their temporal andspatial distribution, but it cannot be used to make predictions about the mean valuesof rainfall.In general, during the studied period, the rainfall pattern occurs throughout thewinter months with no heavy rainfall events for the months from April to September.In addition, the synoptic situations with the highest number of associated dates arethe Troughs, followed by the Lows, and the Cutoff Lows. Finally, the spatial distribution of “heavy rains” is highly conditioned by the orography, with the western islandsregistering the highest rainfall intensity values. YR 2022 FD 2022 LK http://riull.ull.es/xmlui/handle/915/29120 UL http://riull.ull.es/xmlui/handle/915/29120 LA es DS Repositorio institucional de la Universidad de La Laguna RD 25-nov-2024