RT info:eu-repo/semantics/bachelorThesis T1 La cláusula "rebus sic stantibus": Últimas tendencias jurisprudenciales. A1 Barrera Cordero, Janaka Sofía A2 Grado En Derecho K1 Cláusula “rebus sic stantibus” K1 Doctrina K1 Alteración extraordinaria K1 Buena fe K1 Modificación K1 Resolución K1 Frustración K1 Contrato K1 Obligación K1 Relación contractual AB This paper aims to study the clause "rebus sic stantibus", specifically thelatest jurisprudential trends, which are related to the health crisis resultingfrom COVID-19. Throughout history, the "rebus sic stantibus" doctrinehas been applied by the tribunals in a restrictive manner, as it couldundermine legal certainty. However, as a result of exceptional situationssuch as the pandemic in this case, or previously with the economic crisis of2007, they tend to be more flexible in their implementation. In order to beable to apply this clause, it is not only enough to have an apparentfulfilment of each and every one of the requirements, since each specificcase requires an in-depth study, because the widespread application of thesame could often trigger a total transfer of injury to only one of the parties,and this is something to be avoided. In order to attend to how the courtshave been changing or consolidating their criteria, we will analyze somesentences issued by them, before and after the pandemic. YR 2022 FD 2022 LK http://riull.ull.es/xmlui/handle/915/30111 UL http://riull.ull.es/xmlui/handle/915/30111 LA es DS Repositorio institucional de la Universidad de La Laguna RD 08-ene-2025