RT info:eu-repo/semantics/bachelorThesis T1 Tradiciones y Educación: una experiencia pedagógica A1 Herrera Rodríguez, Carolina A1 Hernández Lías, Laura Yanira K1 Usos y costumbres K1 Cultura canaria AB The present work of end of Degree consists of the accomplishment of an educational project on The House of the Traditions. This one bases on the importance of keeping our Canary culture alive and that does not get lost.At present, there continue being traditional manifestations in our islands, but many of them have got lost throughout the years. Therefore, which is tried by this project is to rescue these traditions in order that the children and girls know, learn and have some knowledge of these ancient so famous practices of our islands.It is for it that, this project develops and approaches the different educational centers placed in the Municipality of The Rosary, and this way being useful the cultural week and next holidays of the municipality to enter more with this topic. YR 2016 FD 2016 LK http://riull.ull.es/xmlui/handle/915/3252 UL http://riull.ull.es/xmlui/handle/915/3252 LA es DS Repositorio institucional de la Universidad de La Laguna RD 16-ene-2025