RT info:eu-repo/semantics/bachelorThesis T1 Uso de las redes sociales en el ámbito empresarial: definición de pautas para la creación y desarrollo de un perfil de negocios en redes sociales A1 Dolina, Anna A2 Grado en Turismo K1 redes sociales K1 perfil de negocios K1 facebook K1 instagram K1 tik tok AB Social networks have play an almost transcendental role in the lives of human beings,nowadays their use goes beyond just sharing moments or thoughts. There are numerouscompanies and individuals who have chosen to use these to promote or even base theirbusiness model, obtaining very beneficial results, which is why this work aims to give thenecessary guidelines to the reader (individuals or companies) to develop their socialnetworks from scratch.Social networks are communities formed by groups of people that relate to each other ononline platforms sharing interests, opinions or content. From a business point of view,social networks help to improve communication and company-consumer relations,allowing the company to have greater benefits and added value and consumers to havemore information to make their purchases and meet their needs.For the development of this final degree project, the author relied mainly on secondaryinformation mainly from academic sources, however, she also carried out an analysis ofthe different most popular social networks for a better development of this work. The mostpopular social networks in Spain are, in the following order: Facebook, Instagram, Twitter,Youtube, Whatsapp, Linkedin, Telegram and Tik Tik.As a result of the present work, a series of questions were defined detailing theimplications and considerations for the creation and development of a business profile inthe most appropriate social network. Questions such as: Which companies can use socialnetworks?, Which social network to use?, Who should be in charge of social networks?,How to create a profile?, Which content to post?, How often to post? or How to analyzeposts and feedback from followers?Finally, the importance and benefits of the correct creation and development of a businessprofile in social networks is unquestionable. By reading this work the reader will not onlyhave the fundamental notions for the creation and development of a business profile butwill also have a clearer vision to follow a successful strategic plan in social networks. YR 2023 FD 2023 LK http://riull.ull.es/xmlui/handle/915/33112 UL http://riull.ull.es/xmlui/handle/915/33112 LA es DS Repositorio institucional de la Universidad de La Laguna RD 16-feb-2025