RT info:eu-repo/semantics/bachelorThesis T1 Análisis de la evolución del IPC español desde 2020 y del efecto de las principales crisis mundiales A1 Alonso Abrante, Eduardo Jesús A1 Mesa González, Aarón A2 Grado En Economía K1 inflación K1 Índice Precios del Consumo K1 bienes K1 servicios K1 variación K1 precios AB The Consumer Price Index is a tool used by statistics with the objective of analyzing the evolution of the prices of the goods and services that users consume, and it is calculated using the chained Laspeyres formula. In addition, for further study, it is grouped through the ECOICOP groups. During the last decade, two historical events have taken place, the influence of which on inflation has been notable: the Covid-19 crisis and the war between Russia and Ukraine.Thus, with the arrival of the pandemic, the price of certain products and services increased, to such a level that the so-called Covid-19 Goods and Services were created. Similar consequences were produced and are produced by the war, where we can highlight the increase in the price of electricity or fuel. All this shows that the prices of products and services are not stable, but that they vary depending on the variations that take place in society, and that through the CPI we can analyze it. YR 2023 FD 2023 LK http://riull.ull.es/xmlui/handle/915/33982 UL http://riull.ull.es/xmlui/handle/915/33982 LA es DS Repositorio institucional de la Universidad de La Laguna RD 07-mar-2025