RT info:eu-repo/semantics/article T1 Coastal dunes geomorphosites to develop the geotourism in a volcanic subtropical oceanic island, Tenerife, Spain A1 Dóniz Páez, Francisco Javier A1 Marrero Rodríguez, Néstor A2 Geografía e Historia A2 Grupo de Investigación Geopatrimonio y Geoturismo en Espacios Volcánicos-Geoturvol K1 arid aeolian depositional systems K1 palaeodunes K1 cultural heritage K1 geomorphosites K1 geotourism K1 volcano tourism K1 itineraries K1 Tenerife AB Coastal areas are exposed to high levels of human occupation, which has led to theirdegradation. Coastal dunes have been greatly altered by different historical and current land uses,causing the loss of their natural and cultural values. On the coast of Tenerife there are volcanic andorganogenic sand active and relict dunes with multiple land uses, the most prominent of which istourism (also the main cause of their deterioration). The aim of this study is to demonstrate therelevance of geomorphosites associated to the aeolian depositional systems of Tenerife as volcanicgeoheritage through the application of international methodologies used for these evaluations, andto propose geotourism uses that will contribute to their sustainability. In Tenerife there are thirteenaeolian system geomorphosites in which palaeodunes, active dunes and a combination of both havebeen identified, 53.9% of which are protected. The main historical and current uses are related tograzing, sand mining and tourism. These different land uses have produced the degradation of theselandforms, which have induced the loss of some of their scientific and additional values. The averagescore for the scientific values (0.58) is higher than for the additional values (0.41) in most of thethirteen selected geomorphosites; the values lie in the middle of the range and there is no correlationbetween the scientific and additional values (R2 = 0.17). The geotourism proposal presented in thisstudy is associate to the volcanic diversity of the coast of Tenerife and should be aimed at both thegeneral public and specialists. The number of visitors should be restricted and sustainable accordingto the zoning laws for the regulations and use of the protected areas; and it should use the net ofauthorized paths which already exists in the geomorphosites. To this end, certain facilities will berequired to help disseminate and promote the heritage of Tenerife’s dune geomorphosites throughpanels, websites, apps or QR codes. YR 2022 FD 2022 LK http://riull.ull.es/xmlui/handle/915/34769 UL http://riull.ull.es/xmlui/handle/915/34769 LA en DS Repositorio institucional de la Universidad de La Laguna RD 27-sep-2024