RT info:eu-repo/semantics/article T1 Contribution of the HIV-1 Envelope Glycoprotein to AIDS Pathogenesis and Clinical Progression. A1 Valenzuela Fernández, Agustín A1 Cabrera Rodríguez, Romina A1 Casado, Concha A1 Pérez-Yanes, Silvia A1 Pernas, María A1 García Luis, Jonay A1 Marfil, Silvia A1 Olivares, Isabel A1 Estévez Herrera, Judith A1 Trujillo González, Rodrigo Francisco A1 Blanco, Julià A1 López Galíndez, Cecilio A2 Medicina Física y Farmacología A2 Grupo "Inmunología Celular y Viral". K1 HIV-1 Env function K1 natural control of the infection K1 elite controllers AB In the absence of antiviral therapy, HIV-1 infection progresses to a wide spectrum of clinicalmanifestations that are the result of an entangled contribution of host, immune and viral factors. Thecontribution of these factors is not completely established. Several investigations have described theinvolvement of the immune system in the viral control. In addition, distinct HLA-B alleles, HLA-B27,-B57-58, were associated with infection control. The combination of these elements and antiviral hostrestriction factors results in different clinical outcomes. The role of the viral proteins in HIV-1 infectionhas been, however, less investigated. We will review contributions dedicated to the pathogenesisof HIV-1 infection focusing on studies identifying the function of the viral envelope glycoprotein(Env) in the clinical progression because of its essential role in the initial events of the virus life-cycle.Some analysis showed that inefficient viral Envs were dominant in non-progressor individuals. Thesepoorly-functional viral proteins resulted in lower cellular activation, viral replication and minor viralloads. This limited viral antigenic production allows a better immune response and a lower immuneexhaustion. Thus, the properties of HIV-1 Env are significant in the clinical outcome of the HIV-1infection and AIDS pathogenesis. YR 2022 FD 2022 LK http://riull.ull.es/xmlui/handle/915/35326 UL http://riull.ull.es/xmlui/handle/915/35326 LA en DS Repositorio institucional de la Universidad de La Laguna RD 13-ene-2025