RT info:eu-repo/semantics/article T1 Does effectiveness in performance appraisal improve with rater training? A1 Rosales Sánchez, Christian A1 Díaz Cabrera, Dolores A1 Hernández Fernaud, Estefanía A2 Psicología CognitivaSocial y Organizacional A2 Centro: Facultad de Psicología y Logopedia Grupo de Investigación: Investigación psicosocial en salud y seguridad organizacional (IPSSO) AB Performance appraisal is a complex process by which an organization can determine theextent to which employees are performing their work effectively. However, this appraisalmay not be accurate if there is no reduction in the impact of problems caused by possiblysubjective rater judgements. The main objective of this work is to check the effectiveness—separately and jointly—of the following four training programmes in the extant literatureaimed at improving the accuracy of performance assessment: 1) Performance DimensionTraining, 2) Frame-of-Reference, 3) Rater Error Training, and 4) Behavioural ObservationTraining. Based on these training strategies, three programmes were designed and appliedseparately. A fourth programme was a combination of the other three. We analyzed twostudies using different samples (85 students and 42 employees) for the existence of differences in the levels of knowledge of performance and its dimensions, rater errors, observational accuracy, and accuracy of task and citizenship performance appraisal, according tothe type of training raters receive. First, the main results show that training based on performance dimensions and the creation of a common framework, in addition to the training thatincludes the four programmes (Training_4_programmes), increases the level of knowledgeof performance and its dimensions. Second, groups that receive training in rater error scorehigher in knowledge of biases than the other groups, whether or not they have receivedtraining. Third, participants’ observational accuracy improves with each new moment measure (post-training and follow-up), though not because of the type of training received.Fourth, participants who receive training through the programme that combine the other fourgave a task performance appraisal that was closer to the one undertaken by the judgesexperts than the other groups. And finally, students’ citizenship performance appraisal doesnot vary according to type of training or to different moment measures, whereas the group ofemployees who received all four types of training gave a more accurate citizenship performance assessment. YR 2019 FD 2019 LK http://riull.ull.es/xmlui/handle/915/35327 UL http://riull.ull.es/xmlui/handle/915/35327 LA en NO Artículo publicado en abierto DS Repositorio institucional de la Universidad de La Laguna RD 03-ene-2025