RT info:eu-repo/semantics/article T1 The status of EGFR modulates the effect of miRNA-200c on ZEB1Expression and cell migration in glioblastoma cells. A1 Muñoz-Hidalgo, Lisandra A1 San-Miguel, Teresa A1 Megías Vericat, Javier A1 Serna García, Eva A1 Calabuig-Fariñas, Silvia A1 Monleón, Daniel A1 Gil-Benso, Rosario A1 Cerdá-Nicolás, Miguel J. A1 López Ginés, Concha K1 Glioblastoma K1 EGFR amplification K1 miR-200c K1 ZEB1 K1 Cell migration AB Migration of glioblastoma cells into surrounding tissue is one of the main features that makes this tumor incurable. We evaluated whole-genome miRNA expression profiling associated with different EGFR amplification patterns in 30 cases of primary glioblastoma. From the 64 miRNAs that showed differential expression between tumors with a high level of EGFR amplification and tumors without EGFR amplification, 40% were related with cell migration, being miR-200c the most differentially expressed between these two groups. We investigated the effect of miR-200c on ZEB1 expression and cell migration in an in vitro transfection model with a miR-200c mimic, a miR-200c inhibitor and siRNA targeting EGFR in three short-term cultures with different levels of EGFR amplification obtained from resected glioblastomas. The cell culture with the highest EGFR amplification level presented the lowest miR-200c expression and the status of EGFR modulated the effect of miR-200c on ZEB1 expression. Silencing EGFR led to miR-200c upregulation and ZEB1 downregulation in transfected cultures, except in the presence of high levels of EGFR. Likewise, miR-200c upregulation decreased ZEB1 expression and inhibited cell migration, especially when EGFR was not amplified. Our results suggest that modulating miR-200c may serve as a novel therapeutic approach for glioblastoma depending on EGFR status. SN 1422-0067 YR 2021 FD 2021 LK http://riull.ull.es/xmlui/handle/915/36171 UL http://riull.ull.es/xmlui/handle/915/36171 LA en DS Repositorio institucional de la Universidad de La Laguna RD 19-oct-2024