RT info:eu-repo/semantics/article T1 Cognitive decline is mediated by gray matter changes during middle age A1 Díaz-Flores Varela, Lucio A1 Ferreira, Daniel A1 Molina, Yaiza A1 Machado, Alejandra A1 Westman, Eric A1 Wahlund, Lars Olof A1 Nieto, Antonieta A1 Correia, Rut A1 Junqué, Carme A1 Barroso, José K1 Cognitive decline K1 Gray matter changes K1 Middle age AB The present theoretical framework of Alzheimer’s disease proposes that pathophysiological changesoccur 10e20 years before the diagnosis of dementia. We addressed the question of how age-relatedchanges in gray matter mediate the cognitive performance during middle age. Eighty-two participants(40e50 years, 2) were assessed with a comprehensive neuropsychological battery covering a broadspectrum of cognitive domains and components. Mediation effects were studied with hierarchicalregression and bootstrapping analysis. Results showed that more vulnerable cognitive components wererelated to executive functioning and in a lesser degree to processing speed. Age-related differences ingray matter mainly involved the frontal lobes. Moreover, age-related differences in visuoconstructive,visuospatial functions, reaction time, and mental flexibility and executive control were mediated byseveral gray matter regions. It is important to increase the knowledge of the impact of brain changes oncognitive function during middle age. To define the early stages of the aging process may allow earlydetection of pathologic changes and therapeutic interventions. SN 0197-4580 YR 2014 FD 2014 LK http://riull.ull.es/xmlui/handle/915/36270 UL http://riull.ull.es/xmlui/handle/915/36270 LA en DS Repositorio institucional de la Universidad de La Laguna RD 11-mar-2025