RT info:eu-repo/semantics/masterThesis T1 Pragmatic competence in EFL secondary school context: An investigation on (dis)agreement strategies A1 Sosa Gutiérrez, Claudia A2 Máster Univ. en Formación del Profes. de E.S.O.Bachillerato, F.P. y E.Ii. K1 pragmatic competence, EFL context, speech acts, EFL textbooks, audiovisualmaterials, pragmatic instruction K1 competencia pragmática, contextos EFL, speech acts, libros de texto EFL, materiales audiovisuales, enseñanza pragmática AB This thesis analyzes the pragmatic input in EFL instructional materials in the Spanish contextto determine the extent to which (dis)agreement strategies are presented to EFL students. Thestudy focuses on a comprehensive examination of the 'New Action' 3 and 4 textbooks byBurlington Books, systematically analyzing each page for the presence of (dis)agreementstrategies. The findings reveal a lack of explicit pragmatic instruction within these materials.Interestingly, contrary to previous research, the textbooks give more emphasis to disagreementstrategies rather than agreement strategies. To address this gap and further enhance students'exposure to (dis)agreement strategies, a teaching intervention is proposed. The objective of thisteaching proposal is to raise students' awareness of pragmatic elements through explicitexplanations and questions, while also encouraging their production through output-basedactivities. This thesis aims to present a thorough analysis of EFL materials and propose ateaching approach that effectively addresses students' needs. YR 2024 FD 2024 LK http://riull.ull.es/xmlui/handle/915/36504 UL http://riull.ull.es/xmlui/handle/915/36504 LA en DS Repositorio institucional de la Universidad de La Laguna RD 13-sep-2024