RT info:eu-repo/semantics/article T1 Hacia el logro de competencias para el aprendizaje de idioma inglés a través del uso de un aplicativo: Un caso de estudio A1 Maraza-Quispe, Benjamín A1 Concha-Fuse, María Florencia A1 Torres-Loayza, Jorge Luis A1 Reymer-Morales, Grunilda Telma A1 Choquehuanca-Quispe, Walter A1 Llanos-Talavera, Kelly Shirley A1 Laura-Melendrez, Rafael K1 competencies K1 educational K1 learning K1 application K1 Duolingo K1 competencias K1 educación K1 aprendizaje K1 aplicación AB Mobile language learning applications for smartmobile devices have evolved tremendously in recent years. Theseapplications have great potential to help students learn the targetlanguage. The present research aims to evaluate the achievementof proficiency in reading various types of written text in Englishas a foreign language using the Duolingo application. Themethodology followed is quantitative, in which an experimentalgroup and a control group of 24 students each were chosenthrough random convenience sampling. In the experimentalgroup, 25 learning sessions were carried out using the Duolingoapplication for a period of 3 months, while the control group didnot receive any treatment. A Pre-Test and a Post-Test, extractedfrom the official "British Council" website, were implemented.Entry tests, feedback tests and exit tests were applied. The resultsshowed that the Duolingo application has a positive and directinfluence on the consolidation of the competence: Read differenttypes of written texts in English as a foreign language, aconsiderable improvement was evidenced with respect to theinitial results with the Exit Test, after the use of the application77.3% of the sample presents a performance equal to or abovethe expected achievement. In conclusion, participants expressedinterest in several aspects of Duolingo, such as forums, podcasts,and identifiable topics in each lesson. However, two drawbackshave been identified, namely occasional problems with speechrecognition and limitations in advanced language skills. YR 2023 FD 2023 LK http://riull.ull.es/xmlui/handle/915/37161 UL http://riull.ull.es/xmlui/handle/915/37161 LA es DS Repositorio institucional de la Universidad de La Laguna RD 07-mar-2025