RT info:eu-repo/semantics/article T1 Island extinctions: processes, patterns, and potential for ecosystem restoration A1 Rando Reyes, Juan Carlos A1 Wood, Jamie R. A1 Alcover, Josep A. A1 Blackburn, Tim M. A1 Bover, Pere A1 Duncan, Richard P. A1 Hume, Julian P. A1 Louys, Julien A1 Meijer, Hanneke J.M. A1 Wilmshurst, Janet M. A2 Biología Animal y Edafología y Geología A2 Evoluciónecología y conservación de vertebrados en Macaronesia (VerMac) K1 human settlement K1 introduced species K1 predation K1 habitat loss K1 hunting K1 palaeoecology K1 archaeology K1 prehistory K1 ecological restoration K1 conservation biology AB Extinctions have altered island ecosystems throughout the late Quaternary. Here, we review the main historic drivers of extinctions on islands, patterns in extinction chronologies between islands, and the potential for restoring ecosystemsthroughreintroducingextirpated species. While some extinctions have been caused by climatic and environmental change, most have been caused by anthropogenic impacts. We propose a general model to describe patterns in these anthropogenic island extinctions. Hunting, habitat loss and the introduction of invasive predators accompanied prehistoric settlement and caused declines of endemicislandspecies.Latersettlementby European colonists brought further land development, a different suite of predators and new drivers, leading to more extinctions. Extinctions alter ecological networks, causing ripple effects for islands through the loss of ecosystem processes, functions and interactions between species. Reintroduction of extirpated species can help restore ecosystem function and processes, and can be guided by palaeoecology. However, reintroductionprojectsmustalsoconsiderthecultural, social and economic needs of humans now inhabiting the islands and ensure resilience against future environmental and climate change. YR 2017 FD 2017 LK http://riull.ull.es/xmlui/handle/915/38211 UL http://riull.ull.es/xmlui/handle/915/38211 LA en DS Repositorio institucional de la Universidad de La Laguna RD 03-ene-2025