T1 Identification of an RNA sponge that controls the RoxS riboregulator of central metabolism in Bacillus subtilis A1 Hernández Fernaud, Juan Ramón A1 Durand, Sylvain A1 Callan-Sidat, Adam A1 McKeown, Josie A1 Li, Stephen A1 Kostova, Gergana A1 Alam, Mohammad Tauqeer A1 Millard, Andrew A1 Allouche, Delphine A1 Constantinidou, Chrystala A1 Condon, Ciarán A1 Denham, Emma L. A2 BioquímicaMicrobiología, Biología Celular y Genética A2 School of Life Sciences. University of Warwick. AB sRNAs are a taxonomically-restricted buttranscriptomically-abundant class of posttranscriptionalregulators. While of major importancefor adaption to the environment, wecurrently lack global-scale methodology enablingtarget identification, especially in species withoutknown RNA hub proteins (e.g. Hfq). Using psoralenRNA cross-linking and Illumina-sequencing weidentify RNA–RNA interacting pairs in vivo in Bacillussubtilis, resolving previously well-describedinteractants. Although sRNA–sRNA pairings arerare (compared with sRNA–mRNA), we identify arobust example involving the conserved sRNA RoxSand an unstudied sRNA RosA (Regulator of sRNAA). We show RosA to be the first confirmed RNAsponge described in a Gram-positive bacterium.RosA interacts with at least two sRNAs, RoxS andFsrA. The RosA/RoxS interaction not only affectsthe levels of RoxS but also its processing and regulatoryactivity. We also found that the transcriptionof RosA is repressed by CcpA, the key regulatorof carbon-metabolism in B. subtilis. Since RoxSis already known to be transcriptionally controlledby malate via the transcriptional repressor Rex, itspost-transcriptional regulation by CcpA via RosA places RoxS in a key position to control centralmetabolism in response to varying carbon sources. YR 2021 FD 2021 LK http://riull.ull.es/xmlui/handle/915/38864 UL http://riull.ull.es/xmlui/handle/915/38864 LA en NO DOI: 10.1093/nar/gkab444 DS Repositorio institucional de la Universidad de La Laguna RD 19-oct-2024