RT info:eu-repo/semantics/masterThesis T1 Inteligencia emocional y ajuste psicológico en estudiantes en formación. A1 Marrero Carreira, Betsabe K1 Inteligencia emocional K1 personalidad K1 autoestima K1 apoyo social K1 sintomatología general AB The main purpose of this research has been to analyze the level of emotionalintelligence (EI) in 147 students, regardless of their educational levels. The associationsof EI with other factors, such as personality (extraversion, agreeableness,conscientiousness, neuroticism and openness to experience), self-esteem, social supportand general symptomatology (somatic symptoms, anxiety-insomnia, social dysfunctionand depression) were analyzed. The main results indicated that the emotionalcompression was the EI variable that stablished a greater relationship with the other studyvariables, which seemed to be mostly influenced by openness to experience andemotional regulation. Whereas, emotional perception was influenced largely bydepression. Additionally, a comparative study between a sample of ComputerEngineering students with those subjects of our sample not studying Sciences orTechnology was carried out. Both samples were made up of 56 men. ComputerEngineering students showed less social support and emotional perception. Thesefindings give complementary information to the studies carried out in this regard. YR 2018 FD 2018 LK http://riull.ull.es/xmlui/handle/915/7298 UL http://riull.ull.es/xmlui/handle/915/7298 LA es NO Máster Universitario en Psicología General Sanitaria Por la Ull DS Repositorio institucional de la Universidad de La Laguna RD 05-ene-2025