RT info:eu-repo/semantics/masterThesis T1 La videoconsulta médica como herramienta de mejora en el acceso a los servicios sanitarios: una revisión con especial referencia al caso canario A1 Díaz Delgado, Samuel A2 Máster Universitario en InvestigaciónGestión y Calidad en Cuidados Salud K1 Telemedicina K1 Videoconsulta médica K1 TIC aplicada a la medicina AB The objective of this research is to review and assess the most outstanding and currentexperiences of medical video-consultation as a tool to improve access to health careservices, paying special attention to the case of the Canary Islands. The conceptualframework allows to delimit the different elements that make up what has been calledtelemedicine and its different variants, thus defining the position that video-consultationoccupies, as a central element of this piece of work. The advances of mobile technologyand its greater use by the population have generated new opportunities for the application of healthcare anywhere. Under the term mHealth, telemedicine is presentedand adapted to the most modern telecommunication devices on the market, withdifferent functions and different formats, to take healthcare services where they areneeded. In particular, medical video-consultation seems to be a valid complement andalternative for the care of different basic pathologies of primary care (but alsospecialized care), resolution of doubts, follow-up consultations and reviews of chronicpatients, decreasing access costs, lists and waiting times, as well as encouraging theself-care and responsibility of the patient. This research has also shown that the CanaryIslands, due to their geographical and insular characteristics, is a region that can benefitrelatively more from the application of medical video consultation. YR 2018 FD 2018 LK http://riull.ull.es/xmlui/handle/915/7366 UL http://riull.ull.es/xmlui/handle/915/7366 LA es DS Repositorio institucional de la Universidad de La Laguna RD 05-ene-2025