RT info:eu-repo/semantics/masterThesis T1 Adicción a las TIC y adolescentes, en contexto familiar de riesgo A1 Duran Brito, Andreina Ilioska K1 familia K1 adolescentes K1 adicciones tecnológicas K1 riesgo familiar AB The world is living in a vertiginous "technologization" process, and it directlyimpacts on their processes and social phenomena, leading to a fragmentation and amodification of human thought and with the immersion in a new uncertain liquid society(Bauman, 2007). ICT have become a very important social agent for human beings, asimportant as family and school; and teenagers have proved to be the most vulnerable groupwithin this great revolution. It has created some new problematic situations of addiction anddependence on ICT, compromising their personal integrity and relationships; and setting upan obvious situations of risk for both parts.For this TFM, we make a pilot test about this problem, with a 45 teenager’s sample, toknow and evaluate their realities, according to their age and sex; and to detect addiction ratesamong some students of the IES Marina Cebrián. The obtained data were compared withseveral studies carried out in this area. The main results confirmed the real existence of a highrisk among this teenage population, of suffering technological addictions or being at risk ofsuffering them and we confirmed that the family context of the adolescents could becontributing to the acquisition of technological addictions, among other reasons, due to thelack of parental control and the sociocultural context. Finally, we also confirmed the presenceof high percentages of device ownership were found in adolescents, and significant variationsin the uses, times, experiences and places dedicated to ICT, for this teenagers, according totheir age and gender. YR 2018 FD 2018 LK http://riull.ull.es/xmlui/handle/915/7382 UL http://riull.ull.es/xmlui/handle/915/7382 LA es DS Repositorio institucional de la Universidad de La Laguna RD 08-ene-2025