RT info:eu-repo/semantics/masterThesis T1 La mente del fotógrafo: capacidad espacial y aprendizaje de la fotografía A1 González Castellano, Lucía K1 Enseñanza superior K1 Fotografía AB This final Master's work is based on a reflection on the practices carried out atthe High School of Art and Design Fernando Estévez of Santa Cruz de Tenerife,corresponding to the title of Superior Technician on Visual Arts and Design inPhotography, and more specifically, on the Training Module "Theory of theimage".The work has been organized into four blocks. The first, on the one hand, refersto the fundamental characteristics of these studies according to what is stated inthe legal regulations, such as title, professional profile and professionalqualification. On the other hand, it includes a reflective analysis and a criticalevaluation of the annual didactic programming of the module "Theory of theImage" of the academic year 2016 - 2017. We have tried to verify if itsdevelopment conforms to what is expressed in the legal regulations, thecharacteristics of the context in which the center is located, its educationalproject, its annual programming and the annual report of the last year.The second block analyzes the proposal of the Annual Teaching Programmingfor the module, and some modifications are introduced as possibleimprovements, adjusted to the current regulations. The third block consists of theproposal of a Didactic Unit that emphasizes the importance of "Visual rhetoric" asa communication strategy in a world full of images; some activities carried outduring the training period are presented together with other possible activities. Inall cases it is intended to enhance students' visual memory and their abilities tomanipulate or recognize the transformations of visual elements in space. Finally,the fourth block presents a research study, a pilot study that aims to determine,on the one hand, the methodology suitable for learning, and on the other, todetermine its relationship with the capacity for spatial vision. YR 2018 FD 2018 LK http://riull.ull.es/xmlui/handle/915/7412 UL http://riull.ull.es/xmlui/handle/915/7412 LA es DS Repositorio institucional de la Universidad de La Laguna RD 20-sep-2024