El delito de contaminación ambiental
García Sanz, Judit
El delito de contaminación ambiental requiere la contravención de la normativa ambiental
y que se derive un grave peligro para el equilibrio de los sistemas naturales. En estas páginas
se analiza este delito; en especial, los casos de vertidos de aguas residuales. Asimismo, se
estudia el delito de prevaricación ambiental aplicable en aquellos casos en los que la autoridad
o funcionario público no vela por el cumplimiento de la legalidad ambiental. In order to perpetrate the offence of environmental
pollution (i.e., offences against environment) two requirements are needed: on the one
hand, the conduct of disregarding the environmental regulations; and, on the other hand,
as a result of such a conduct, the balance of the natural systems would be put into a serious
risk. In this article, the just mentioned offence of environmental pollution will be analysed,
paying particular attention to those cases involving discharges of wastewater. Furthermore,
this article will study the offence of breaching of an official duty regarding environmental
matters that applies to the cases in which a civil servant infringes environmental law.