Análisis de la estructura literaria y fijación del texto
Barreto Betancort, JuanFecha
The author claims attention on the importance of analysis of literaty
structures in stablishing the original text. The determination of literal),
structures, he assures, allows to make a judgement upon its redaction's his
tory (in this way can be seen the heterogeneous elements the text is made of or, on the contraty, its homogenety); besides, in the case the extant
manuscript tradition does offer divergent readings, the analysis of literary,
structures can supply elements of judgement in order to support or refuse
alternative readings. As a matter of sample, the author analyses the struc-
ture of John 1,1-5 and concludes, on the one hand, the redactional unity
of 1,1 -2, and, on the other hand, he sees confirmed the reading that
punctuates the text after ô geogoyey in 1,3.