Poe/Pym: derecho a confabular
Martín, FélixDate
Este trabajo examina la Narrativa de Arthur Gordon Pym a partir de aquellos aspectos textuales, culturales e ideológicos que resaltan su carácter confabulador. No ceñimos la confabulación al estudio de recursos o efectos metafictivos, sino que la extendemos a esos procesos de composición, sobrevivencia narrativa, revancha crítica y ocultación de la autoría que permiten incluso considerarla en términos neurológicos, propios de la elaboración intencionada de imposturas o mentiras. De hecho así es leída la narrativa, en particular su materialización textual y la parodia filológica de la nota final. This paper tries to re-examine The Narrative of
Arthur Gordon Pym trough those textual, cultural and ideological aspects that would account
for its confabulatory effects. Narrative confabulation is not simply confined to the production
of metafictional devices, but mainly applied to the compositional avatars of the novel within
the literary market, its survival and textual materialization, the critical revenge displayed in
the final note and the masquerade of authorship. These aspects might invite the reader to
ground confabuatlion in neurological terms, as it is often assumed with hoaxes and lies. In
fact we take this for granted, particuarly through our reading of the textual composition
and of the final philological parody