Mecanismo de ayuda a la extensión para pierna ortopédica
Oval Trujillo, AñaterveFecha
This document shows the process of designing the mechanism to aid the extension for
orthopedic leg.
This mechanism will allow the user to walk at a speed higher than that fixed by the
orthopedic leg. It’s placed on the upper part of the orthopedic prosthesis. By moving a
cam driven by an electronically controlled motor, it would displace a wire coupled to the
lower of the prosthesis. Which, develops an additional force to the natural movement
of the prosthesis, at the time of extension.
Through anatomical studies, mechanical studies and theoretical calculations, the
mechanism were designed. Using the data obtained in the studies and the results of the
calculations, the necessary parts for the mechanism were designed. An anatomical study
was also carried out, with the help of an orthopedist, who contrasted the calculations