From Paperspace to Hyperspace: An Evaluation of E-Anthologies in Innovative American Poetry
Brito Marrero, ManuelFecha
Poets, critics, scholars, and readers have increasingly accepted Internet and the Web in the
late 1990s and early 21st century as almost material objects, certainly a reality hard to
ignore. This essay analyzes how today e-poetry texts are considered as a new practice to and
from which words, paragraphs, and pages are moved, appended or cut. Such a formulation
shows how electronic technology has built a new panorama for creative production and
also implies ways in which the printed text might be replaced. In this sense, a new technol-
ogy like digitization has provided a new mode of writing/reading able to substitute old
values like linearity of the book in time and space, or the objectual presence of the text for
digitized structures facilitating more individual and creative responses.