Estudio de la solubilidad en medio acuoso de la zoantamina, un alcaloide marino bioactivo
Ferrigni, EleniaDate
My thesis is focused on a project that has been working for a few years. The discovery and
extraction of some metabolisms from some polyps present in Pacific, Atlantic and Indian oceans,
has revolutionized the problem of osteoporosis. This is a disease that affects the cells in the bones.
There is a decrease in osteoblasts and increase in osteoclasts which are essential for bone
maintenance and growth. With the extraction of these two molecules (marine alkaloids)
zoanthamine and norzoanthamine the activity of these molecules has been verified as preventori and
for the treatment of osteoporosis, but unfortunately, the chemical-physical properties are not yet
known, therefore the pharmacokinetics, which allow us to create slow release formulations that can
be effective for treatment. For this reason, before moving to the formulation and implantation in
animals, this condition must first be verified.
My work was based on the extraction of these polyps and then on their purification to get enough
pure samples of two alkaloids and to be able to perform some physico-chemical tests such as:
solubility, thermolability, pH variation, etc. The purification methodology carried out was based on
thin layer chromatography, chromatographic columns and HPLC. The results were confirmed by
NMR (nuclear magnetic resonance) and UV (ultraviolet spectroscopy).