The Greek Column of the Complutensian NewTestament and theImplausibility of Vatican Manuscripts
Hudgins, Thomas W.Date
¿Sirvieron los manuscritos griegos pertenecientes a la Biblioteca del Vaticano como base
para el texto de la columna griega del Nuevo Testamento Complutense? El autor del prefacio griego en Novum testamentum grece et latine lo indicó, diciendo que fueron “traídos
de la Biblioteca Apostólica, enviados al Señor Venerable Cardenal de España”. ¿Pero los manuscritos de la Biblioteca del Vaticano realmente sirvieron de base para el texto griego del Nuevo Testamento Complutense? En el estudio que sigue, se compara el texto griego complutense
del Evangelio de Mateo,el capítulo octavo en particular, y los manuscritos alojadosen la Biblioteca Apostólica Vaticana. Este estudio ofrece, en lugar de una conclusión definitiva, una reevaluación de la cuestión relativa a las fuentes utilizadas para la columna griega del Nuevo Testamento Complutense, en este caso, pensando en términos de lo que es o no es plausible. Did Greek manuscripts belonging to the Vatican Library serve as the basis for the text
of the Greek column of the Complutensian New Testament? The author of the Greek preface
in Novum testamentum grece et latine indicated as much, saying they were “brought from
the Apostolic Library, sent to the Most Revered Lord Cardinal of Spain.” But did manuscripts
from the Vatican Library really serve as the basis for the Greek text of the Complutensian
New Testament? In the study that follows, a comparison is made of the Complutensian
Greek text of the Gospel of Matthew, the eighth chapter in particular, and the manuscripts
housed in the Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana. This study offers, in place of a definitive
conclusion, a reassessment of the issue concerning the sources used for the Greek column
of the Complutensian New Testament, in this case, thinking in terms of what is or is not
plausible. To provide some contrast, a comparison of Erasmus’ Novum instrumentum omne
and minuscules 1 (AN IV 2), 2 (AN IV 1), and 817 (A III 15) is also provided, showing
how the Greek text of Erasmus can be constructed using those three copies with minus-
cule 2 serving as the primary base text. Does the Complutensian text share the same likeness
to one or more of the Vatican manuscripts as that of Erasmus to those manuscripts housed
at the Universitätsbibliothek Basel?