La mujer y el trabajo: evolución histórico jurídica
Martin Dorta, RocioDate
The figure of women at work has always been less present than that of men,
since it has been considered the weaker sex. Throughout history, progress has
been made in this matter, since in past times women limited themselves to
carrying out housework and taking care of their children. Traditionally, it was
the man who was responsible for supporting the family, and therefore it was
unthinkable that the woman enter the world of work, since her job was that. It is
amazing that despite the constant struggle for centuries ago, today women
continue to fight for the rights, which are enshrined in our supreme norm, the
Spanish Constitution. Well, formal equality between women and men has been
achieved, but despite this, in practice there are still obvious situations of
inequality between the sexes. Therefore, women continue in constant struggle
to ensure that the rights regulated in the Constitution, and in the laws, have been
effective. There are many achievements so far, but there are still many barriers
that prevent the full advancement of women in many sectors, but more
specifically in the workplace or in politics. La figura de la mujer en el trabajo, siempre ha estado menos presente que la del
hombre, pues se ha considerado el sexo débil. A lo largo de la historia se ha
conseguido avanzar en este asunto, en épocas pasadas la mujer se limitaba a
realizar las laborales del hogar y ocuparse del cuidado de sus hijos.
Tradicionalmente, era el hombre quien se encargaba de sustentar a la familia, y
por tanto, era impensable que la mujer entrara en el mundo laboral, puesto que
su labor era aquella. Resulta asombroso que, a pesar de la constante lucha desde
siglos atrás, en la actualidad, la mujer siga luchando por los derechos que se
encuentran consagrados en nuestra norma suprema, la Constitución española.
Son muchos los logros alcanzados hasta el momento, pero siguen existiendo
muchas barreras que impiden el avance completo de la mujer en muchos sectores,
pero más concretamente en el ámbito laboral o en la política.