El poblamiento del eneolítico en Murcia: estado de la cuestión
Lomba Maurandi, JoaquínDate
Se analizan los diferentes tipos de asentamiento del Eneolítico en
Murcia, atendiendo a su tipología y localización concreta, a su distribución
geográfica y a su cronología. Se observa una aparente distribución de
yacimientos antiguos, totalmente en llano, en la mitad oriental de la Región,
frente a otros situados en terrazas fluviales de cronología similar y posterior
(Pleno), a veces relacionados con asentamientos en altura, fortificados, que
se generalizan durante el Eneolítico Final. Diferents type of settlements during the Eneolithic period in Murcia
(the southern east Region of Spain) are analysed according to its particular
location and typology, its geographical distribution and chronology. An
apparently flat distribution of ancient archaeological sites, along the eastern
half of this Region, as opposed to those situated in certain little flat surfaces
which are defined over waterways, and formed during the same period or even
later (Middle Eneolithic); occasionally those archaeological sites are connected
to fortified settlements on top of hills, which became general during the Final