El Proyecto de investigación “Heracleópolis Magna” (Ehnasya el Medina). Trabajos 2004-2006
Pérez Díe, María del CarmenDate
Entre 2004 y 2006 hemos trabajado, entre otras cosas, en la redacción del volumen III de las Memorias de
excavación de la Misión Arqueológica Española en Heracleópolis Magna (Ehnasya el Medina) para su próxima
publicación. El texto presenta, fundamentalmente, las investigaciones realizadas sobre la necrópolis del
Tercer Periodo Intermedio y su reutilización posterior: descripción arquitectónica, análisis antropológicos de
los individuos enterrados y estudio de los ajuares. During the period 2004-6 we have been working, amongst other things, on editing the third volume of the
Excavation Memoirs of the Spanish Archaeological Mission at Heracleopolis Magna (Ehnasya el Medina) for
its imminent publication. The text essentially presents investigations carried out in relation to the Third Intermediate
Period / early Saite Period cemetery: architectural description, anthropological analysis of buried
individuals and study of funerary equipment. This cemetery was found inside the city. The tombs belonged to
high officials, dignitaries, governors and priests who lived in Heracleopolis from the mid- 9th century BC until
the mid-8th century BC. From the end of the 8th century BC and during the first half of the 7th century BC
this necropolis was re-used by several individuals of a lower social class, completely occupying the existing