Comparación entre los modelos socioeconómicos de España e Irlanda durante la última treintena: "El Tigre Celta y el Cerdo de la Unión Europea"
En este estudio se realiza un análisis retrospectivo, en el que, mediante el estudio
macroeconómico, demográfico y social de diferentes fuentes de información secundaria se
compara la evolución socioeconómica de Irlanda y España durante el periodo 1990-2020. De esta
forma, se identifican las diferencias en su evolución durante estos 30 años y se ponen de
manifiesto los factores que explican la favorable evolución de Irlanda, reflexionando sobre los
aspectos del modelo de este último país que resulten idóneos de aplicación sobre el modelo
español. Due to the social and economic resemblance between Spain and Ireland at the end of the 20th
century, the different measures applied by both countries during the last thirty years and the great
difference in the results obtained. In this study a retrospective analysis is carried out, in which, by
means of a macroeconomic, demographic, and social study of different secondary information
sources, the socioeconomic evolution of Ireland and Spain during the period 1990-2020 is
compared. In this way, the differences in their evolution during these 30 years will be identified and
the factors that explain the favourable evolution of Ireland will be highlighted to finally reflect on the
aspects of the Irish model that are suitable for application to the Spanish model.