Sistema de transmisión OOK basado en lámparas LED de iluminación.
Díaz Cota, DiegoDate
A field-programmable gate array is used as the controller of a system that is going to be in
charge of sending data through visible light. The transmission will be carried out with an LED
lamp and the data will be modulated in On Off Keying, encoded in Manchester and finally a
packet will be formed using the RS-232 protocol. For all this, a transmission module has been
designed together with the relevant electronic circuits. On the other hand, the transmitted data
will be received by a photodiode and whose signal will be appropriately conditioned so that it can
be detected by the reception stage that will be in charge of decoding the transmitted signal and
obtaining the original signal.
For the transmission stage, it was necessary to design an electronic circuit that essentially
consists of a buffer to be able to raise the 3.3V voltage from the Nexys development board to 5V,
which is the supply voltage of the LED lamp.
On the other hand, for the reception circuit, a TL082 operating amplifier is used in negative
feedback that allows us to condition the signal from the sensor, being a photodiode in our case, to
the reception pin that of the receiver module for the decoding of the signal.