Botryocladia chiajeana and Botryocladia macaronesica sp. nov. (Rhodymeniaceae, Rhodophyta) from the Mediterranean and the eastern Atlantic, with a discussion on the closely related genus Irvinea
Specimens from the eastern Atlantic, Mediterranean and Adriatic seas previously reported as Botryocladia chiajeana showed
differences in morphology, and re-examination of Meneghini’s original collection of Chrysymenia chiajeana (basionym B.
chiajeana) revealed that only the Mediterranean and Adriatic specimens are in agreement with the original protologue,
whereas plants reported from the eastern Atlantic are recognised here as Botryocladia macaronesica Afonso-Carrillo, Sobrino, Tittley & Neto sp. nov. The vegetative and reproductive morphology of western Mediterranean plants is examined
in detail for the first time, and B. chiajeana is characterised by the following combination of features: solid axes bearing
frequently dichotomously branched vesicles, vesicle walls three layered, outer cortical cells arranged in rosettes, secretory
cells borne on modified medullary cells, spermatangia cut off from scattered spermatangial mother cells, cystocarps strongly
protuberant and tetrasporangia cruciately divided and exposed on the outer cortical layer at maturity. From the Meneghini
collection, a lectotype specimen of C. chiajeana was selected. Botryocladia macaronesica, known so far only from the
islands of Azores, Madeira, Canaries and Cape Verde, differs from other Botryocladia species by a unique combination of
significant attributes including elongate saccate vesicles, near-continuous cortication of vesicle walls, secretory cells on
unmodified medullary cells and completely immersed cystocarps. An analysis of the morphological characters currently
used for separating Botryocladia from related genera (i.e. Chrysymenia, Gloiosaccion and Irvinea), showed that there is
considerable overlap between Botryocladia and Irvinea. These genera are presently discriminated mostly by molecular
evidence as the supposed morphological characters are shown here to vary considerably within the genus Botryocladia.