Instalación fotovoltaica en un centro termal polifuncional en Adeje
Padilla Pérez, JavierDate
In this project, a complete study of a self-consumption photovoltaic installation is carried out in a thermal center located in Adeje in the south of the island of Tenerife. Firstly, the layout of panels is studied to install a power not exceeding 100 kW, since, due to the promoter's requirements, it is intended to take advantage of the economic compensation modality for possible surpluses, and therefore it will not be necessary to register as a producer. The energy produced by the photovoltaic plant will be completely self-consumed, because the consumption of the thermal center is significantly higher than that of the projected installation, which intends to cover part of this demand. The installed power will therefore be 88.56 kW. It has a metal roof with an orientation of 30 degrees southeast and an available area of 1060 square meters. The total number of photovoltaic modules to be installed is 164 panels with a power of 540kW from the Ja Solar brand, divided into 10 strings, all oriented in the same direction of the roof, and with an inclination of 27 degrees using Sunfer brand supports. Two Huawei inverters will be used, one of 60 kW, to which 6 strings of 18 panels each will be connected; and another 30 kW inverter, to which 4 strings of 14 panels each will be connected. Finally, a budget is made for the installation and considering the maintenance and electricity costs of a specific rate, and the loss of annual performance of the solar panels, the amortization period of the installation is calculated, which in this case it will be 5 years.