Virtual Realities and Chaos: The Fictions of Nicole Brossard, William Gibson, Don DeLillo, Michael Ondaatje and Others
Jirgens, Karl E.Date
This article addresses the literary avant-garde in American Fiction
and focuses on the uses of narrative disjunction, dialogism, and multistability
in perception in the works of a handful of authors including
Nicole Brossard, William Burroughs, William Gibson, Leonard Cohen,
Kurt Vonnegut jr., Margaret Laurence, Don DeLillo and Michael
Ondaatje. More specifically, this analysis considers narrative models
that re-define “fiction” both as form and genre with direct reference to
the inter-face of electronic culture and the creative process, or, techne
and physis. A theory regarding Virtual Reality and the de-stabilization
of meaning is forwarded as are comments on theorists of media and
culture including McLuhan, Ong, Negroponti, and De Kerckhove among
others. The second half of this paper applies Fractal and Chaos theory
to the feminist fiction of the award-winning novelist, Nicole Brossard.