La opacidad de la escritura
Lozano, MaríaDate
In the present essay, the author tries to analyze the meaning of the
concept "Literature". It should be viewed within the frame of recent
arguments developed among British and American academics, centering upon crucial issues such as canon-formation and even the
relevance of humanistic studies today, after the 60's formal reductio nism. It takes as its starting point the written word as such (not
Técriture" neither "writing"). The author, then, defends —without denying
their local validity— the absolute necessity of transcending the formal and
scientific approaches to literature favoured some ten or twenty years ago,
since they take into account only one aspect of the whole process by which
language becomes literature. She considers the claims of certain form of
interpretation —not exegesis— within post-Kantian developments
against the absolute claims of objectivity and defending the shared
quality of language which only permits communication to exist and
adopting the basic premises of hermeneutical criticism —allowing for
certain inconsistencies in the concept of tradition which need much
clarification & debate. Central to the argument is the concept of
meaning and origin.