Determination of ¿15N in Anemonia sulcata as a pollution bioindicator.
δ15N concentration can reveal the anthropogenic pollution of an ecosystem. To study this pollution level, this
isotope can be analyzed from water or animal tissue. Sewage pipes pour anthropic waters, rich in δ15N, to the
sea. In the sewage pipes surroundings live several organisms, like the cnidarian Anemonia sulcata (Pennant,
1777). As anemones have zooxanthellae, they incorporate nitrogen from the environment. To test for the possible effects of wastewater effluents on the coastal ecosystem through the content of the isotope δ15N, A. sulcata
specimens were collected near a sewage pipe in North Tenerife (Spain), in contiguous zones to look for a δ15N
gradient. The obtained results show that there is a gradient of δ15N concentration, and the highest levels were
found nearest the sewage pipe (mean = 5 δ15N ‰) and the lowest in the control zone (mean = 3.26 δ15N ‰).
Being so, A. sulcata has proven to be a sensitive organism whose δ15N concentration can be used as bioindicator
for pollution and human involvement in the ecosystem in which it lives