The why of the teaching profession: Validation of a structural model of teacher motivations
The aim of this work was to validate an empirical model that integrates the different motivational categories that explain the motivational categories that explain the decision to become a teacher. This work provides empirical evidence of the psychometric quality of the instrument used, CUMODE.Onthebasis of this instrument, a structural model is validated that integrates the different types of motivations associated with teaching. The participants in the study were 228 active teachers and 389 trainee teachers. An exploratory factor analysis (EFA) was applied to the data in order to extract their structure. Cronbach’s test was used to analyze the internal consistency of each item. The results showed an adequate KMO index of 0.907. The third refined model consisted of 14 items and obtained adequate fit indexes: χ2 (df = 129) = 2.74, CFI = 0.94, GFI = 0.88, RMSEA = 0.09 (90% CI = 0.07–11), and SRMR = 0.07. Finally, a confirmatory factor analysis was applied with a sample of trainee teachers to validate the model. The model is equally valid for the sample of trainee teachers.