Proyecto de instalación de una vivienda unifamiliar con taller de mecánica
García Trujillo, YuraimaFecha
In this project, the study of a low voltage installation for a single-family home with a
garage will be carried out. The garage will be used as a quick mechanics workshop.
The garage will be fully equipped with the necessary machinery and furniture will be
available, including desks and chairs for staff. Access to the garage will be through a ramp
from the outside, which will allow both vehicle and pedestrian access. The necessary
calculations will be made for all low-voltage electrical installations in the garage, as well as
for lighting, fire-fighting systems and study of the evacuation route. All necessary plans will
be provided to ensure accurate and efficient implementation of these facilities.
Regarding the single-family home, all the necessary plans will also be included and the
corresponding calculations will be carried out for the low-voltage electrical installations,
including power outlets and lighting. In addition, a photovoltaic installation will be
integrated to take advantage of the solar energy available on the site.
For both the home and the garage, an energy certification study will be carried out to
determine the qualification of the installation. In addition, improvement measures will be
implemented to improve the energy rating.
Finally, a budget will be prepared for the entire installation, including the garage
machinery and the home's photovoltaic installation.