Novel regulation from novel interactions: Identification of an RNA sponge that controls the levels, processing and efficacy of the RoxS riboregulator of central metabolism in Bacillus subtilis
sRNAs are a taxonomically-restricted but
transcriptomically-abundant class of posttranscriptional regulators. While of major importance for adaption to the environment, we
currently lack global-scale methodology enabling
target identification, especially in species without
known RNA hub proteins (e.g. Hfq). Using psoralen
RNA cross-linking and Illumina-sequencing we
identify RNA–RNA interacting pairs in vivo in Bacillus subtilis, resolving previously well-described
interactants. Although sRNA–sRNA pairings are
rare (compared with sRNA–mRNA), we identify a
robust example involving the conserved sRNA RoxS
and an unstudied sRNA RosA (Regulator of sRNA
A). We show RosA to be the first confirmed RNA
sponge described in a Gram-positive bacterium.
RosA interacts with at least two sRNAs, RoxS and
FsrA. The RosA/RoxS interaction not only affects
the levels of RoxS but also its processing and regulatory activity. We also found that the transcription
of RosA is repressed by CcpA, the key regulator
of carbon-metabolism in B. subtilis. Since RoxS
is already known to be transcriptionally controlled
by malate via the transcriptional repressor Rex, its
post-transcriptional regulation by CcpA via RosA places RoxS in a key position to control central
metabolism in response to varying carbon sources.