Quality evaluation of minimally fresh-cut processed pineapples
Physicochemical, sensory and microbiological quality parameters were determined in fresh-cut pineapple products. Containers with fresh-cut pineapple in cylinders or in chunks were considered and the above parameters were studied over ten days of storage at 5 ± 1 °C. Chromatic parameters presented differences between both formats, with the cylinders being more susceptible to browning. Besides, the cylinders had lower levels of acidity, texture and ascorbic acid, while in general, greater changes of the main quality physicochemical
characteristics were observed in the ring format during the ten days of refrigerated storage. Liquid exudate increased, sucrose content decreased and a greater tendency to browning were observed during the cold storage at 5 ± 1 °C. Sensory characteristics and microbiological control for both types of format showed a positive evaluation after eight days of storage at 5 ± 1 °C. Mesophile, psychrophile, mold and yeast loads in both pineapple formats were relatively low (< 106 CFU/g after 10 days under 5 °C for all the microbiological loads) throughout their useful shelf-life, taking into account that both formats were packed in trays in normal atmosphere without chemical treatment or any additives.