The mental state inferences in healthcare professionals scale: a psychometric study
ackground Empathizing with patients is an essential component of effective clinical care. Yet, a debate persists
regarding how healthcare professionals’ emotions and performance are impacted when they engage in empathetic
behaviors and attempt to discern patients’ mental states during clinical interactions. To approach this issue, this study
explores the psychometric properties of the Mental State Inferences in Healthcare Professionals Scale (MSIHPS), a
novel eight-item scale to evaluate healthcare professionals’ perceptions of their own disposition to infer patients’
mental states during clinical interactions.
Method The study was conducted across various units within a regional hospital and primary care units affiliated
with the Canarian Public Health Service in Spain. Data collection took place over the course of 2022, spanning
from February to November. The psychometric properties of the scale were analyzed, including an exploratory and
a confirmatory factor analysis, to test reliability and validity. Additionally, an item response model was run to test
potentially biased items. The study collected data from a sample of 585 healthcare professionals.
Results Overall, the results indicate that the psychometric properties of the tool are adequate. Furthermore, the
unidimensionality of the scale was confirmed using the item response model, wherein the eight-items significantly
contribute to predicting the latent construct.
Conclusion The MSIHPS offers the opportunity to explore the role of mentalizing in a diversity of healthcare settings.
This measure can be useful to explore the relationship between healthcare professionals’ disposition to infer patients’
mental states and other relevant variables in clinical interactions, such as empathy and clinical performance.