Decision-support system for the management of truck stays at seaports
Thls work presents a decision-support system for predictive analysis of truck arrivals, dwell times and possible congestion situations
in seaport, through a methodology that encornpasses machine learning algorithn1s, data visualization tools and discrete-event
simulation models. This decision-support system makes it possible to have a detailed planning of the arrival and transit times
of trucks in the port to predict land congestion events; and to know in advance the needs in relation to services or stopovers, and
how long each truck will be i.n the port facilities. Toe system also allows for the planning and sizing of waiting areas according to
expected arrivals and dwell times of trucks in port, at the saine tilrne that it optimizes port value spaces, and reduces unnecessary
journeys and associated emissions, by evaluating the relationship between the sea side and the demand in land accesses. This will
eventually help to improve coexistence at1d pott-city integration between urban and heavy traffic. The system has been validated in
the Port of Santander (Spain) with satisfactory results in terms of operational improvement