Cooperative employment in the regions of Spain (1999¿2019): The convergence clubs
In times of crisis, the study of employment is of vital importance, especially that generated by cooperatives, which show great resilience. This paper analyzes the evolution of employment created by cooperatives in the different Spanishregionsinrelationtototalemployment between 1999 and 2019 with a pioneering approach. We analyze the existence of convergence clubs among the Spanish regions using the methodology developed by Phillips and Sul (2007, 2009). The results show the existenceoffourclubsthatincludetheregionsthatconverge in relative terms of cooperative employment over the 20 years analyzed. The lack of homogeneityinthebehavior of employment in cooperatives in the different Spanish regions is demonstrated, with certain divergences among regions. These divergences make it difficult to establish a model of cooperative employment for the whole of Spain.