Assessments of metallic contents in rare cephalopods from the Canary Islands: relationships with depth habitat and body size
This study investigated 20 elements in the muscle of 11 cephalopod species caught in the Canary Islands inhabiting from coastal to meso-bathypelagic habitats. Among them, trace element contents from large and elusive cephalopods such as Architeuthis dux, Taningia danae, Lepidoteuthis grimaldii, and Haliphron atlanticus were determined. Statistically significant differences in element concentration were found among class sizes and habitat. Large species that are inhabiting in deepest waters such as Loligo forbesii, A. dux, T. danae, H. atlanticus, and L. grimaldii showed a high load and variability in Fe and Al, while coastal species were characterized by a homogeneous element composition, being the Zn loads highest than other elements. Metal contents in large and elusive cephalopod species were dominated by Fe, Ni, Al, Zn, and Sr, with these species being able to carry important amounts of these elements to predators such as deep-diving odontocetes that reside around the Canary waters.