Local and average structures of the spin-glass pyrochlore Y2Mo2O7 from neutron diffraction and neutron pair distribution function analysis
The observation of canonical spin-glass behavior in the pyrochlore oxide Y2Mo2O7 has been a subject of
considerable interest as the original structural studies were interpreted in terms of a well-ordered crystallographic model. It is widely held that the stabilization of the spin-glass state requires some level of positional
disorder along with frustration. Recent reports from local probe measurements, extended x-ray-absorption fine
structure EXAFS and 89Y NMR, have been interpreted in terms of disorder involving the Mo-Mo distances
EXAFS and multiple Y sites NMR. This work reports results from temperature-dependent 15–300 K
neutron diffraction ND and neutron pair distribution function studies which can provide from the same data
set information on both the average and local structures. The principal findings are that: 1 there is no
crystallographic phase transition over the temperature region studied within the resolution of the ND data; 2
the diffraction data are well fitted using a fully ordered model but with large and anisotropic displacement
parameters for three of the four atomic sites; 3 the pairwise real-space correlation function G r shows clear
evidence that the principal source of disorder is associated with the Y-O1 atom pairs rather than the Mo-Mo
pairs, in disagreement with the interpretation of the EXAFS results; 4 fits to the G r improve significantly
when anisotropic displacements for all sites are included; 5 inclusion of a split-site position parameter for O1
improves, slightly, both the G r fits and the Rietveld fits to the ND data; and 6 for all models the fits become
worse as the temperature decreases and as the fitting range decreases. These results are qualitatively consistent
with the 89Y NMR observations and perhaps recent muon-spin-relaxation studies. The issue of static versus
dynamic disorder is not resolved, definitively. An estimate of the distribution of exchange constants due to the
disorder is made using spin-dimer analysis and compared with the Saunders-Chalker model for the generation
of spin-glass behavior from “weak” disorder on geometrically frustrated lattices.