Acercamiento al problema del disruption management
Barba Moral, EliasFecha
Las aerolíneas tienen que manejar recursos valiosos de la forma mas eficiente posible. Por
eso cuando se enfrentan a un imprevisto, tienen que estar preparadas para reaccionar de
manera rápida. Al conjunto de decisiones que se toman al respecto se les llama ‘disruption
management’. En este trabajo en primer lugar se presenta el problema de forma general,
intentando entender las razones, y maneras eficaces de atajarlo. A continuación se presentan
en detalle una serie de soluciones, y finalmente se exponen las conclusiones. Airlines have to manage many valuable resources in the most efficient way possible. This is
why when a disruption occurs in their plans, they need to be prepared to react in a quick
manner. The decisions taken in this area are called the disruption management. In this
Master Thesis is first presented the problem in a general manner, trying to understand the
reasons, on how to find efficient ways of dealing with it. Then several proposed solutions
are review in more detail, and finally conclusions are posed.